It's Time to Light Up in Your Full Beauty & Authenticity -I'm Here to Show You How. 

The Aligned Woman's Way

Welcome to the Aligned Woman’s Way

The Aligned Woman’s Way starts with a simple premise: every woman deserves to step into her most beautiful, authentic self so she can shine her light into the world.

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"The Seeds of Today are the Flowers of Tomorrow."

A Formula for Creating Lasting Change:

As a Lifestyle Transformation Coach, I provide 1:1 services, as well as group programs, to help you Align to Your Light! Here is where you plant important seeds that will bear flower and fruit if you give it time.  Deciding that you are going to commit to growth and change is an essential first step.

Hi, I'm Irene.

I facilitate transformation for women who want to flow with feminine fullness, and enjoy ALL that life brings. If you're ready, I'm here to help you craft & curate every aspect of your life so you get to Live the Masterpiece of your Dreams!

Ways to Work with Me 1:1

"Don’t you know yet?
It is your Light  that lights the whole world.”
~ Rumi

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Your Light is simply the fullest expression of who you are. Embedded within your light are all of your gifts that you're meant to express and share.

It's simply about being empowered in your feminine flow so you can live your best life from an inner, well resourced place.

Alignment Journeys provides resources and support to keep you aligned to your Light.

If there is light in the soul, there will be beauty in the person.

If there is beauty in the person, there will be harmony in the house.

If there is harmony in the house, there will be order in the nation.

If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.  

(Chinese Proverb)


Are you ready to take a journey that opens you up to the vast potential you have inside of you?

I dream of a world where empowered women rise up together and light up the change we wish to see. THIS is why I am on a mission to share what I’ve learnt with you.

What can you expect from working with me?

Beauty. Ease. Flow.

If the above calls to you, come join me in reclaiming these gifts that are your natural birthright.

The world needs awake and aligned women, free to love and to create.

Does this Sound Like You?

You are done with feeling drained, depleted, and exhausted
You are ready to invite more space, joy, and beauty into your life
You are looking for a different way of being...

You have come to the right place!

Here, you get to flourish and thrive, the Aligned Woman's Way. Learn how to nourish your Yin so you can blossom into fullness.

Step into your power and authenticity, and be the bright light that you know you are!

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What would it mean to you to find a sustainable balance in your life, and thereby reclaim your joy, confidence, and feel refreshed and inspired again?

What would your life be like, if you could tap into your natural gifts to effortlessly support your health, relationships, and work, in nurturing and nourishing ways?

If you believe there’s a better way, I can help you make that shift.

Learn more about how I can support you on your journey.

"Irene impressed me with her calm and soothing presence. She helped me get a new perspective on my life and find resonance with my innermost being."

– Niksungla, CEO and Founder of NGO, India–

"Irene’s gentleness, her grace and elegance, somehow held me in such a nurturing way... she has a natural and well trained teaching style about her."

– Jo, Artist, Australia –

"Irene's guidance, compassion, empathy, and deep knowledge helped me balance my intuitive and critical sides. Just one session with her led to deep insights and profound realisations.”

– Georgie, Actress, U.S.A. –

"The way Irene walked me through my body and helped unify my mind is nothing short of miraculous... I am so much more directed & prepared to build a better foundation for my life."

– Sam, Facilitator, U.S.A. –

"Irene created a safe space that allowed me to step back into my inner self, leave behind the issues I had been having at home and at work, and just be present as I connected back within."

– Edilyn, College Professor, the Philippines –